Christmas 2020: Textbook Partiality

Written & Drawn by Valentine

A young P sits in the backseat of a car, looking out the window. It is dark outside, with a faint amber glow hitting the window. P begins narrating: This is my first Christmas since I've moved here... I hope it goes well. P leans against the window and smiles. They continue narrating: I mean, I'll be spending it with T, so of course it'll be good. I can't wait. P enters T's house through the front door, holding hands with T. T and P are baking together in the kitchen, inserting gingerbread men into the oven, one glove per person. P continues narrating: After I arrived, we did lots of fun stuff. Baking... Narrating: Hide and seek... T looks around for P, as they hide in a potted plant behind her. The two of them sit on a couch in a dark room, illuminated through light on a TV screen. Narrating: Video games... It was fun. They are playing Meme Run for the Nintendo Wii U. The background consists of a bland gradient sky which goes from green to orange. The player character is a troll face with arms and legs which dances along a procedural side-scroller. The ground is made out of Lenny faces, with MLG rainbow frogs raining down. T and P are sleeping together in bed. A caption reads Christmas Day. The sun begins shining into the room. T wakes up before P does. The two of them make their way down the stairs. T is rather peppy, whereas P looks tired. They witness a bluish-green Christmas tree past the arced entrance of a room, presents residing underneath it. T and P sit on a circular red-orange carpet near the tree. T begins speaking: Well, that's all the presents I have to open! What about you, P? P looks disappointed. They start speaking: Oh, not really... Nobody gave me any gifts this year, but it's okay. T unveils a surprise present before P's eyes. P blushes and smiles at this gesture. T replies with: What's THIS, then? T opens the gift for P, a multi-colored bracelet with geometric shapes on it resides in it. P begins speaking: WOAH! What is it?! T responds by saying it's a friendship bracelet. T and P's hands overlap each other as they wear their own bracelets. T speaks again: We have a pair, because we're friends! P asks sheepishly: We're... friends? T replies: Uh... what else would we be? P springs up and hugs T. T is surprised: Woah! Are you okay, P? P replies by saying that they are.