
Webmaster: violetcassette

This website is currently hosted on Nekoweb, with video files hosted on the Internet Archive.

The text of this website is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.Creative CommonsAttributionShareAlike

Topnav largely based off of the W3Schools Responsive topnav tutorial

Massive, MASSIVE shoutouts to LexmarkWeb on GitHub for the original csi.js on which we based our HTML snippet embedding code. It's helped extensively and will likely save tens, if not hundreds of kilobytes and a lot of time

MDN Web Docs has saved my ass innumerable times - bepis

Language-based redirect functions based on browser locale comes courtesy this answer on Stack Overflow

Page redirection based on dropdown selection comes courtesy of this answer on Stack Overflow

Further help with discarding previous URL pathnames on dropdown selection comes courtesy of this answer on Stack Overflow

Changing the content of a page based on dropdown selection is courtesy of this tutorial from GeeksforGeeks

Character page layout and programming by bepis. Icons by bepis and Brittany. Character descriptions done by bepis, Brittany and violetcassette